Chi siamo


Responsabile scientifico:

Prof. Paolo GRESELE

Personale afferente:

  • Paolo GRESELE
  • Loredana BURY
  • Emanuele FALCINELLI
  • Stefania MOMI
  • Eleonora PETITO
  • Giuseppe GUGLIELMINI
  • Anna Maria MEZZASOMA
  • Elisa GIGLIO
  • Francesco PACIULLO
  • Chiara CONTI
  • Francesca TONDI
  • Elenia FAZIOLI

Dove siamo

Centro Didattico, Edificio B, piano 1, Strada vicinale via delle corse, 06132 Sant’Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia

Cosa facciamo

Malattie cardiovascolari (Paolo GRESELE/Emanuela FALCINELLI)
    Attivazione piastrinica in diversi disordini.
Malattie cardiovascolari (Paolo GRESELE/Stefania MOMI)
    Modelli animali di trombosi, emorrargia, aterosclerosi.
Terapie innovative (Paolo GRESELE/Marco MALVESTITI)
    Sviluppo di terapie cellulari che utilizzano piastrine trasfettate con small interferencing RNA, per il trattamento di tumori, malattie infiammatorie, in terapie rigenerate.

Tecnologie e Strumentazione

Genomics Metagenomics
    Cloning, Sanger and WES sequencing, real-time PCR, PCR.
Proteomics and Metabolomics
    Analysis of Protein Expression, ELISA, flow cytometry.
    iBright Thermo.
Target Identification and Validation
    Protein localization; gene vector engeneering; gene reporter activity; RNA interference.
    Fluorescence microscopy (Axio Observer.A1 Zeiss), microplater reader, spectrophotometer (Multiskan Sky Thermo).
Pre-Clinical Models
    Cell lines (CHO, HeLa, HEK…), primary colture (blood outgrown endothelial cells, HUVEC, megacariocyte). Migration and agiogenesis assays. Mice models.
    Cell room. Magnete Miltenyi.


Mechanisms of thrombocytopenia in platelet-type von Willebrand disease.

Bury L, Malara A, Momi S, Petito E, Balduini A, Gresele P.

Haematologica. 2019 Jul;104(7):1473-1481. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2018.200378. Epub 2019 Jan 17.

PMID: 30655369 .

Development of anti-matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) nanobodies as potential therapeutic and diagnostic tools.

Marturano A, Hendrickx MLV, Falcinelli E, Sebastiano M, Guglielmini G, Hassanzadeh-Ghassabeh G, Muyldermans S, Declerck PJ, Gresele P.

Nanomedicine. 2020 Feb;24:102103. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2019.102103. Epub 2019 Oct 24.

PMID: 31669421

Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Progression as Surrogate Marker for Cardiovascular Risk: Meta-Analysis of 119 Clinical Trials Involving 100 667 Patients.

Willeit P, Tschiderer L, Allara E, Reuber K, Seekircher L, Gao L, Liao X, Lonn E, Gerstein HC, Yusuf S, Brouwers FP, Asselbergs FW, van Gilst W, Anderssen SA, Grobbee DE, Kastelein JJP, Visseren FLJ, Ntaios G, Hatzitolios AI, Savopoulos C, Nieuwkerk PT, Stroes E, Walters M, Higgins P, Dawson J, Gresele P, Guglielmini G, Migliacci R, Ezhov M, Safarova M, Balakhonova T, Sato E, Amaha M, Nakamura T, Kapellas K, Jamieson LM, Skilton M, Blumenthal JA, Hinderliter A, Sherwood A, Smith PJ, van Agtmael MA, Reiss P, van Vonderen MGA, Kiechl S, Klingenschmid G, Sitzer M, Stehouwer CDA, Uthoff H, Zou ZY, Cunha AR, Neves MF, Witham MD, Park HW, Lee MS, Bae JH, Bernal E, Wachtell K, Kjeldsen SE, Olsen MH, Preiss D, Sattar N, Beishuizen E, Huisman MV, Espeland MA, Schmidt C, Agewall S, Ok E, Aşçi G, de Groot E, Grooteman MPC, Blankestijn PJ, Bots ML, Sweeting MJ, Thompson SG, Lorenz MW; PROG-IMT and the Proof-ATHERO Study Groups.

Circulation. 2020 Aug 18;142(7):621-642. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.046361. Epub 2020 Jun 17.

PMID: 32546049.

Association of Neutrophil Activation, More Than Platelet Activation, With Thrombotic Complications in Coronavirus Disease 2019.

Petito E, Falcinelli E, Paliani U, Cesari E, Vaudo G, Sebastiano M, Cerotto V, Guglielmini G, Gori F, Malvestiti M, Becattini C, Paciullo F, De Robertis E, Bury L, Lazzarini T, Gresele P; COVIR study investigators.

J Infect Dis. 2021 Mar 29;223(6):933-944. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa756.

PMID: 33280009.

Germline GATA2 variant disrupting endothelial eNOS function and angiogenesis can be restored by c-Jun/AP-1 upregulation.

Purgatorio G, Piselli E, Guglielmini G, Falcinelli E, Bury L, Di Battista V, Pellanera F, Milano F, Matteucci C, Mecucci C, Gresele P.

Haematologica. 2022 May 1;107(5):1072-1085. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2021.278450.

PMID: 34233447.

Platelet dysfunction in platelet-type von Willebrand disease due to the constitutive triggering of the Lyn-PECAM1 inhibitory pathway.

Bury L, Falcinelli E, Mezzasoma AM, Guglielmini G, Momi S, Gresele P.

Haematologica. 2021 Aug 19. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2021.278776. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 34407603

Matrix metalloproteinase-2 on activated platelets triggers endothelial PAR-1 initiating atherosclerosis.

Momi S, Falcinelli E, Petito E, Ciarrocca Taranta G, Ossoli A, Gresele P.

Eur Heart J. 2022 Feb 10;43(6):504-514. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab631.

PMID: 34529782

A p.Arg127Gln variant in GPIbα LRR5 allosterically enhances affinity for VWF: a novel form of platelet-type VWD.

Bury L, Falcinelli E, Kuchi Bhotla H, Mezzasoma AM, Guglielmini G, Tischer A, Moon-Tasson L, Auton M, Gresele P.

Blood Adv. 2022 Apr 12;6(7):2236-2246. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021005463.

PMID: 34619770.

A novel mechanism regulating human platelet activation by MMP-2-mediated PAR1 biased signaling.

Sebastiano M, Momi S, Falcinelli E, Bury L, Hoylaerts MF, Gresele P.

Blood. 2017 Feb 16;129(7):883-895. doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-06-724245. Epub 2016 Dec 29.

PMID: 28034890

Platelet-targeted pharmacologic treatments as anti-cancer therapy.

Gresele P, Momi S, Malvestiti M, Sebastiano M.

Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2017 Jun;36(2):331-355. doi: 10.1007/s10555-017-9679-8.

PMID: 28707198 Review.