PhD Student
Title of the Research Project


Prof.ssa Ciriana Orabona Dott.ssa Giada Mondanelli “Characterization of the genetically modified IDO1H350A mouse model expressing a loss-of function mutant of IDO1 enzyme”
BIAGINI Andrea Prof.ssa Roberta Spaccapelo Dott. Nicola Refrigeri (La Sorgente del Benessere)/Prof. Bernard Fioretti “Shelf-life enhancer”
CONSOLO Eleonora Prof.ssa Roberta Spaccapelo Dott.ssa Mariamgela Amoroso (Sanofi S.p.A.) “Artificial Intelligence for implementation of hypercholesterolemic very high-risk patient clinical management”
GLIOZHENI Elko Prof.ssa Roberta Spaccapelo Prof. Bernard Fioretti “Metabolomic characterization of Follicular fluid derived from women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”
RUTA Luana Prof.ssa Barbara Cellini Prof. Antonio Macchiarulo “Biochemical characterization of enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids as drug targets for human diseases of genetic and non-genetic origin”
SALLICANDRO Luana Prof.ssa Roberta Spaccapelo Dott.ssa Rossi (S&R Farmaceutici)/Prof. Bernard Fioretti
"Produzione eco-sostenibile di nuovi formulati a base di polifenoli per la regolazione della fertilità femminile (acronimo: Polyphertility)"
SARNARI Francesco Prof.ssa Francesca Fallarino Dott.Federico Mingozzi (Spark Therapeutics, Inc., USA) "Immune response biomarkers identification during gene therapy treatment in Haemophile A"
TRAMONTANA Filippo Prof.ssa Roberta Spaccapelo Dott.ssa Mariangela Amoroso (Sanofi S.p.A.) “The complex interplay between multiple myeloma and microbiome”
VASCELLI Gianluca Prof.ssa Teresa Zelante Prof. Stuart Levitz ( UMass Chan Medical School, USA) “Challenges against pathogenic fungi: from microbiome to the immune response in fungal infections”