The Visiting Scientist is a scholar of recognized international scientific standing, coming from foreign universities, research centers, and/or institutions of higher education, who, also based on specific international agreements stipulated by the University, is called upon to carry out educational activities, including seminars, within the framework of a study program or doctoral program, and/or research activities at the University.

In exceptional cases, the Visiting Scientist may also be a scholar in a position from Italian universities, research centers, and/or institutions of higher education, provided they possess a highly recognized international scientific profile.

The period of stay of the Visiting Scientist at the University cannot exceed 12 months and must be no less than 5 working days. Only in the case of a Visiting Professor, the period cannot be less than 1 month.


By Rectoral Decree No. 2170 of 25.11.2015 - amended by R.D. No. 1712 of 10.10.2018, the Rector issued a University Regulation for the selection of Visiting Professors and Visiting Researchers

By Rectoral Decree No. 2079 of 09-11-2018, New judging Commission was appointed for the recognition of the title of Visiting Professor and Visiting Researcher

Facsimile "Request for invitation pursuant to the University Regulation governing the selection of Visiting Professors and Visiting Researchers"

Guidelines for mission reimbursements, extrapolated from the University of Perugia's Mission Regulations: download the file

Guidelines for issuing the Nullaosta for research: download  file with attachments

Expense report sheet form: Expense report sheet