Chi siamo


Responsabile scientifico:

Prof. Roberto PANICHI

Personale afferente:


Dove siamo

Edificio D piano 1, P.zza Lucio Severi, 1 Sant’Andrea delle Fratte 06129 Perugia, Italy

Cosa facciamo

Neuroscienze (Roberto PANICHI)
    The research focuses on understanding how multisensory signals and efferent outflow are processed in the nervous system to generate perceptive and motor responses in human and animal models. The investigations use approaches ranging from behavior through cellular studies. The studies rely on three main themes.
Neuroscienze (Roberto PANICHI)
    Theme one: Role of neuroactive steroids in regulating synaptic excitability, plasticity, and behavior. The main goal of the research is to understand how neuroactive steroids influence the relationship between cellular and behavioral activities in basal responses, adaptation, and pathologies using vestibular-cerebellar models.
Neuroscienze (Andra BISCARINI)
    Theme two: Learning without training: modulating the sensorimotor domains via manipulation of sensorial feedback and motor activation. We study the individual ability to produce the expected motor outcome and how to boost motor skills and learning via practice and no-practice-based interventions.
Neuroscienze (Roberto PANICHI)
    Theme three: Spatial representation, self-motion, and motor behavior. We study how the vestibular-proprioceptive integration regulates the space schema, the vestibular ocular reflex, and self-motion perception. We investigate basal responses and essential features in the presence of altered spatial and motion-related representations
Strumenti Innovativi e Nuove Tecnologie per la Tutela della Salute (Roberto PANICHI) sitoweb
    Our sensorimotor physiology lab is dedicated to inducing lasting changes in sensorimotor behavior through non-invasive manipulation of information flow in the central nervous system. The approach promises to alter individual sensorimotor behavior without explicit practice due to manipulating central information processing. It has the potential to help repair and reorganize central processes to restore sensorimotor ability and enhance regular learning to improve function or compensate for a deficit.

Tecnologie e Strumentazione

Genomics Metagenomics
    PCR for mutation detection, Sanger sequencing, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresys (DGGE), karyotype analyses.
    Authomatic sequencer ABI-Prism 310. DGGE-related instruments.
Pre-Clinical Models
    Behavioral neuroscience and applied physiology. Measurement of ocular movement in rats, rabbits, and humans. Analysis of voluntary and reflex arm movement in humans. Analysis of motion perception by psychophysical methods. Analysis of upper limb movement. Extracellular electrophysiological recordings. Central and peripheral manipulation of information flows. EOG, VOG, and infrared light projection techniques. Setup for psychophysical evaluation of motion perception of vestibular and proprioceptive origin. 3D motion capture system. Surface electromyography recordings (sEMG). Apparatus for Mechanical focal vibration. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) techniques.


Panichi R, Dieni CV, Sullivan JA, Biscarini A, Contemori S, Faralli M and Pettorossi VE. Inhibition of androgenic pathway impairs encoding of cerebellar-dependent motor learning in male rats. Journal of Comparative Neurology (2022), 530, 2014-2032.

Mario Faralli, Michele Ori, Giampiero Ricci, Mauro Roscini, Roberto Panichi and Vito Enrico Pettorossi. Disruption of self-motion perception without vestibular reflex alteration in meniere’s disease. JVR (2021)

Cristina V Dieni, Samuele Contemori, Andrea Biscarini, Roberto Panichi. De novo synthesized Estradiol: a role in modulating the cerebellar function. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 3316

Contemori S, Dieni CV, Sullivan JA, Ferraresi A, Occhigrossi C, Calabrese F, Pettorossi VE, Biscarini A, Panichi R. Sensory inflow manipulation induces learning-like phenomena in motor behavior. European Journal of Applied Physiology 120, 811-828 (2020).

Dieni CV, Sullivan JA, Faralli M, Contemori S, Biscarini A, Pettorossi VE and Panichi R. 17 beta-estradiol synthesis modulates cerebellar dependent motor memory formation in adult male rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Nov. 2018 Vol. 155, 276-286.

Dieni CV, Ferraresi A, Sullivan JA, Grassi S, Pettorossi VE and Panichi R. Acute inhibition of estradiol synthesis impacts vestibule-ocular reflex adaptation and cerebellar long term potentiation in male rats. Brain Structure and Function 2018 Vol. 223 No 2: 837-850.

Panichi R, Faralli M, Bruni R, Kiriakareli A, Occhigrossi C, Ferraresi A, Bronstein A, Pettorossi VE. Asymmetric vestibular stimulation reveals persistent disruption of motion perception in unilateral vestibular lesions. J. Neurophysiol. 2017 Vol. 118: 2819–2832.

Dieni CV, Panichi R, Aimone JB, Kuo CT, Wadiche JI and Overstreet-Wadiche LS. Low excitatory innervation balances high intrinsic excitability of immature dentate neurons. Nature Comm. 2016; 7:11313

Pettorossi VE, Panichi R, Botti FM, Biscarini A, Filippi GM, Schieppati M. Long-lasting effects of neck muscle vibration and contraction on self-motion perception of vestibular origin. Clin Neurophysiol. 2015 Oct; 126(10):1886-900.

Pettorossi VE, Panichi R, Botti FM, Kyriakareli A, Ferraresi A, Faralli M, Schieppati M, Bronstein AM. Prolonged asymmetric vestibular stimulation induces opposite, long-term effects on self-motion perception and ocular responses. J Physiol. 2013, 591(Pt 7):1907-20.

Contemori S, Dieni CV, Sullivan JA, Ferraresi A, Occhigrossi C, Calabrese F, Pettorossi VE, Biscarini A, Panichi R. Sensory inflow manipulation induces learning-like phenomena in motor behavior. European Journal of Applied Physiology 120, 811-828 (2020).

Roberto Panichi, Samuele Contemori, Cristina V. Dieni, Jacqueline A. Sullivan, Andrea Calandra, Chiara Occhigrossi, Francesco Calabrese and Andrea Biscarini. Optimized sensorimotor activation enhances real-time visuomotor coordination but does not benefit internally driven goal-directed aiming movements. European Journal of Neuroscience (in submission)