Chi siamo
Responsabile scientifico: Prof. Alberto VERROTTI DI PIANELLA Personale afferente:
Dove siamo
Edificio Ellisse piano 1, P.zza Lucio Severi, 1 Sant’Andrea delle Fratte 06129 Perugia, Italy
Cosa facciamo
Neuroscienze (Alberto VERROTTI DI PIANELLA) |
Neuroscienze (Alberto VERROTTI DI PIANELLA) |
Malattie rare (Alberto VERROTTI DI PIANELLA) |
Infiammazione e risposte del sistema immunitario (Giuseppe DI CARA) |
Infiammazione e risposte del sistema immunitario (Francesco VALITUTTI) |
Roberti R, Riva A, D'Onofrio G, Giacheri E, Amadori E, Vari MS, La Neve A, Vigevano F, Verrotti A, Cordelli DM, Romeo A, Palmieri A, Mancardi MM, Caglieris S, Varone A, Minetti C, Russo E, Buratti S, Striano P. A proposal for a shared therapeutic algorithm in children with prolonged convulsive seizures and status epilepticus. Expert Rev Neurother 2024;24(2):133-138.
Dini G, Di Cara G, Ferrara P, Striano P, Verrotti A. Reintroducing Fenfluramine as a Treatment for Seizures: Current Knowledge, Recommendations and Gaps in Understanding. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2023 26:19:2013-2025.
Leonard MM, Kenyon V, Valitutti F, Pennacchio-Harrington R, Piemontese P, Francavilla R, Norsa L, Passaro T, Crocco M, Baldassarre M, Trovato CM, Fasano A; CDGEMM working group. Cohort profile: Celiac disease genomic, environmental, microbiome and metabolome study; a prospective longitudinal birth cohort study of children at-risk for celiac disease. PLoS One. 2023
DaFonte TM, Valitutti F, Kenyon V, Locascio JJ, Montuori M, Francavilla R, Passaro T Crocco M, Norsa L, Piemontese P, Baldassarre M, Fasano A, Leonard MM; CD-GEMMStudy Group. Zonulin as a Biomarker for the Development of Celiac Disease. Pediatrics. 2024 1;153
Pepe A, Mandato C, Di Leo T, Boccia G, Lucaroni G, Franci G, Mauro C, Di Cara G, Valitutti F. Celiac Disease on the Bed-Side: Embedding Case Finding and Screening in Hospitalized Children. Nutrients. 2023 Nov 23;15(23):4899.
Tran T, Senger S, Baldassarre M, Brosnan RA, Cristofori F, Crocco M, De Santis S, Elli L, Faherty CS, Francavilla R, Goodchild-Michelman I, Kenyon VA, Leonard MM, Lima RS, Malerba F, Montuori M, Morelli A, Norsa L, Passaro T, Piemontese P, Reed JC, Sansotta N, Valitutti F, Zomorrodi AR, Fasano A; CDGEMM Team. Novel Bacteroides Vulgatus strain protects against gluten-induced break of human celiac gut epithelial homeostasis: a pre-clinical proof-of-concept study Pediatr Res. 2024 Online ahead of print.
Di Cara, G., Bizzarri, I., Fabiano, C., Faina, F., Di Cicco, M., Rinaldi, V.E., Verrotti, A., Peroni, D. Prevalence of allergic rhinitis with lower airways inflammation: A new endotype with high risk of asthma development? (2021) Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 57 (12), pp. 1955-1959.
Fagotti A., Lucentini L., Simoncelli F., La Porta G., Brustenga L., Bizzarri I., Trio S., Isidori C., Di Rosa I., Di Cara G. HSP70 upregulation in nasal mucosa of symptomatic children with allergic rhinitis and potential risk of asthma development (2022) Scientific Reports, 12 (1), art. no. 14104
Simoncelli F., Fagotti A., Di Rosa I., Lucentini L., Brustenga L., Di Cara G. Qualitative Immunodetection of Hsp70 in Nasal Samples of Children With Allergic Rhinitis (2024) Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, 27 (1), pp. 102 - 104